Serratia ficaria identified with MALDI TOF MS
Serratia ficaria
Serratia ficaria, a lesser-known member of the Enterobacteriaceae family, might just be the most unassuming party crasher in the microbial world. Originally discovered hanging out in fig trees, this bacterium has occasionally gatecrashed human clinical samples, showing up in places like gallbladders and leg ulcers. Despite its rare appearances in medical settings, S. ficaria remains a bit of a mystery, often misidentified or flying under the radar due to its non-pigmented, lactose-negative colonies that emit a potatolike odor.
This bacterium’s claim to fame? It’s not just a figment of your imagination—it’s a fig-ment of reality! Found primarily in fig tree ecosystems, S. ficaria has a knack for popping up in fig-related infections, making it a fig-ure of interest in both botanical and medical circles. While it might not be the life of the party in the microbial community, its ability to sneak into human hosts through fig consumption adds a twist to its otherwise low-profile existence.
So, next time you’re enjoying a fig, remember Serratia ficaria: the microbe that likes to keep it fig-ureal!